Proposal Attachments

HealthiestYou Broker Marketing Flyer


Texas 1-1-2025 Level Funded All Segments

Texas Surest 5-1-2025 Small Group

Texas 1-50 ATNE 1-1-2025 MC TX054 – New Business

Texas 1-50 ATNE 1-1-2025 MC TX055 – Renewal

Texas Surest 7-1-2024 51+ Employees

Texas 51+ ATNE 1-1-2025


Illustrative rates are based on the ELIGIBLE count if the ***ATNE count was not included in the RFP, as required. This proposal is not valid if the group has over 50 ATNE.

***ATNE = Average Total Number Employees in the calendar year preceding the effective date – full time, part-time, temporary, seasonal (all except 1099).

A Service Fee of $30 PEPM is included in the attached All Savers quotes. If you desire a different Service Fee for your client, please notify your Sales Rep. If not provided on your census, we have assumed 2 children per employee electing children or family coverage and the spouse age is assumed to be the same as the employee. If this is incorrect, please advise, as this can affect the rates.

If no All Savers quote is included, the group did not meet eligibility requirements (minimum participation, ineligible industry, majority not in situs state, group size).


Proposals and benefits are for general information and discussion purposes only and not valid unless approved by the carrier. This proposal is not an offer or a guarantee of coverage. This group should not, under any circumstances, cancel its existing coverage until coverage is issued by the carrier. Final rates are determined by the Carrier’s underwriting guidelines and final enrollment. Please check the data entry on the attached proposals and advise of any errors.

If you have any questions regarding your proposal please contact your Sales Representative at (972) 991-6500.